Lexis Rex Inicio

Pasado de be able to

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I couldyo pude
you couldtú pudiste
he couldél pudo
she couldella pudo
we couldnosotros pudimos
you couldvosotros pudisteis
they couldellos pudieron
they couldellas pudieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have been able toyo he podido
you have been able totú has podido
he has been able toél ha podido
she has been able toella ha podido
we have been able tonosotros hemos podido
you have been able tovosotros habéis podido
they have been able toellos han podido
they have been able toellas han podido

Más conjugaciones para to be able toMás verbos

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